Arbeitspaket: boost_union
Worum handelt es sich beim Theme boost_union?
Auszug aus GitHub:
Theme Boost Union is an enhanced child theme of Boost which is intended, on the one hand, to make Boost simply more configurable and, on the other hand, to provide helpful additional features for the daily Moodle operation of admins, teachers and students.
The Boost theme in Moodle core is not really configurable, many things are hardcoded and can only be changed with tricks or with core hacks. This theme intends to provider simple settings for admins to let them configure important settings easily without thinking about the inner workings of the theme.
On the other hand, many Moodle installations share the same basic functional needs like the possibility to add an imprint page or a footnote. This theme intends to provide these basic features without needing to fiddle with other plugins.
One highlight is the main design principle of Boost Union: As soon as it is activated on a Moodle site, it does not change anything yet and simply behaves as Boost from Moodle core does. The admin can enable and configure only the theme features he needs and does not need to care about side effects from other, disabled theme features.
Wer fungiert als Ansprechpartner*in für Boost Union?
- AG Entwicklung (Moodle an Hochschulen e.V.) | Moderation: Martin Gauk / Tim Trappen
- Alexander Bias (
Rolle AG Moodle 4.x
Durch unsere enge Vernetzung mit den zuständigen Akteur*innen, sowie unseren eigenen Entwicklungskapazitäten, bemühen wir uns um die Sammlung, Koordinierung und Umsetzung der Interessen unserer NRW-Community. So haben wir beispielsweise bereits die Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten für den rechten Block-Drawer erweitert.